What would be the cross-section? I do not know how to translate it, but I'll give a practical example. When you view a volumetric element in a 3D modeling program, without being rendered, this comes with a few lines in grid shape that can communicate to the user the idea of the volume of the object. These lines help to our brain to read the shape of the surface.
Na ilustração você pode usar a mesma técnica com menos linhas que o exemplo acima. Note nos rabiscos abaixo como tento dar volume às mochilas usando a mesma técnica.
In the illustration you can use the same technique with fewer lines as the example above. Note below in gibberish as I try to give backpacks volume using the same technique.
In the illustration you can use the same technique with fewer lines as the example above. Note below in gibberish as I try to give backpacks volume using the same technique.
Para convencê-los do poder desta técnica, notem as formas orgânicas abaixo, todas têm o mesmo contorno em vermelho, mas as linhas de cross-section os tornam visualmente diferentes aos olhos nus. Para ver melhor, note os dois últimos exemplos pintados em vermelho, são dois objetos sobrepostos.
To convince you of the power of this technique, note down the organic forms, they all have the same outline in red, but the cross-section's lines to make it visually different to the naked eye. For optimal viewing, note the last two examples painted in red, are two overlay objects.
To convince you of the power of this technique, note down the organic forms, they all have the same outline in red, but the cross-section's lines to make it visually different to the naked eye. For optimal viewing, note the last two examples painted in red, are two overlay objects.
Olá! Participe e divulgue o 3°SketchCrawl Manaus, o encontro mundial de desenhistas que acontecerá no dia 22 de Janeiro de 2011!